salsa association
Salsa&Söndag on a workshop trip to Barcelona summer of ’18

The Student Association Salsa & Söndag was founded in 1999 with the purpose of offering students and other people opportunities to dance salsa and have a good time! The association is a member of Göta Student Union and caters primarily to students and members of Göta Student Union, but also other interested parties. The aim of the association is to promote salsa dancing in Gothenburg in general, and the Cuban salsa style, salsa casino, in particular.

As a member of the association you work with other members to arrange our club activities on Sunday evenings. The work consists of putting everything in order for the social dancing, manning the wardrobe, and putting everything back at the end of the club. As a member, you also participate in the monthly member meetings where you get a chance to influence our ongoing activities and events.

Membership in a student union association such as Salsa & Söndag also gives you a good opportunity to experience working on a board and with different projects. The revenue from the club is spent on operational development and giving members opportunities to evolve their own dancing. We regularly arrange concerts, throw parties and attend workshops and festivals for inspiration. 

If you are interested and want to know more about how to become a member, reach out to us! The easiest way is to talk to someone working at the club. You can also send us an e-mail.

Whether you are a beginner or an expert, you are welcome to Salsa & Söndag!

Board of 2023:

Chair: Anna Le

Treasurer: Mohammad Husseini

Secretary: Jenny Appelgren Percival

Contact the board: